A-01: The Story of a Hurting Mom
God has given Cathy peace and comfort in the midst of being a Hurting Mom, and she wants to share what God has given her with you!
A-02: HM Breaking Free Participant Guide
The Hurting Moms Participant Guide is required for the 10-Week Breaking Free groups. The guide contains key scriptures and other tools designed to help you on your journey towards healing.
A-025 HM Yielding Hearts Participant Guide
The Yielding Hearts Participant Guide is required for the 8-week Yielding Hearts groups. The guide is designed help us learn to hear the voice of God and to respond with loving obedience.
A-03: Daily Encouraging Words
We had such outpouring of love for the Daily Encouraging Words emails, that we took all 200 of them and publishing them into a beautifully crafted book.
A-04: HM Journal
The daily Scriptures and words of encouragement found in this book are designed to inspire you to capture your thoughts and feeling in the Hurting Moms Journal.
A-05 Leader Guide
The Leader guide is required for any leader starting a Hurting Moms Breaking Free group.
A-06: Nuevo Grupo en Español – Guía del Participante (solamente)
Guía del Participante (solamente)
B-01: Devotional Book Package
The special devotional book package include the Daily Encouraging Words book and the HM Journal.
B-02: Keep it Simple Book Package
The Keep it Simple Book Package includes the HM Participant Guide plus the Daily Encouraging Words Book only.
B-03: Jump Start Book Package
The Jump Start Book Package includes the HM Participant Guide, the Daily Encouraging Words Book, and the HM Journal only.
B-04: Premium Book Package
The Premium Book Package includes the HM Participant Guide, the Daily Encouraging Words Book, HM Journal, and The Story of a Hurting Mom book only.
This product is for moms who needs to purchase a workbook and are ready to participate in a group for the first time.
C-01: Jump Start Church Package
The Jump Start Church Package includes all of the HM materials needed to start a local group of up to 10 participants.
C-02: Premium Church Package
The Premium Church Package includes all of the HM materials needed to start a local group of up to 15 participants.
E-01: Online Group Registration
This product is for moms who have a workbook and are ready to participate in a group for the first time or would like to go through the 10-week group again.
E-02: Solo registro de grupo en línea - español
Este producto es para madres que tienen un libro de trabajo y están listas para participar en un grupo por primera vez o les gustaría volver a pasar por el grupo de 10 semanas.